jueves, 1 de septiembre de 2016

OBSD vs Linux

I had read this post.


I good post about Installing OBSD in Notebooks.

And my reply for it.

I had read all the post and I want to write this text.

* I really appreciate your post, I want to read different ideas from different persons and if are "more different" is better.
They forced me to think differently.

* I use Linux in all my notebooks and I prefer it, but this is the principal reason why I had read your post. (I will try to not compare them) I love FBSD and use it during University age, but later found Linux as the best option "for me". I use Windows and OSX (Virtualized) too.

* About daily usage, "do you really use it daily?" (browsing, write letters, presentation, access remote servers using RDP (win protocol), share information on intenet ?
I'm really curious about your job (daily tasks). and how could you be productive using only OBSD. Could you say what's your "job" ?

* Linux is a Kernel, ubuntu, xubuntu, debian, gentoo and others are distros, falvored. So when you said "Ubuntu is for Beginners". I say YES, but Gentoo, Manjaro and others distros are similars to BSD/Obsd. In the way of the componentes are installed and used.
Again a different kernel.

* About the minimal configuration, I think it's deppends of the Linux Distro. Some of them are "relly spartans as Obsd is". You could install kernel a 30 simple tools. just it. More/less the same in Obsd.
(I compared many times Gentoo with Obsd, I use Obsd in a virtual server daily)
I don't think so. The instalation is the starting point of a distro. and some of them are exactly the same that Obsd.

* About secure and graphic, more/less the same. In Linux you could install text only, and later add Graphics, and all the internet service are available as in Obsd/Fbsd. Web, smtp, ntp, dhcp, ftp, sshd and others...

* About the auditing in code, or security in OBSD, I have to say "OK", I trust a bit more in OBSD by monolitixc reasons, but onkly a bit. the Linux Kernel is programmed and maintained by a very specific group coordinated by Linus, if we talk about ftpd then "OK" it's a special group coding the tool. I give a +1 in security to OBSD, but the tools that you run over it, like Firefox/filezilla/remmina/gnome/xfce/gimp will have the same level of security (in the app code) in both O.S. Do I missing something ?
If you will run Firefox in OBSD, Your version will be older than in Linux. or not ?

* DOCs, I'm completelly disagree with this. if you search in Google I will found 30x more posts about a question in Linux that in Obsd, and maybe 15x more In Linux that in Fbsd.
The google indexed pages are related to Linux, then FBSD and some of them in Obsd, and sometimes I have to go to FBSD instead of Obsd to find something about a config file/configuration.

* Linux <> Android <> Distros <> BSD <> OSX.
yes and no, you mention about Android, the kernel used in Android is different to the used in X86; RISC, AS400, PowerPC and the same is with BSD and OSX. similar but not exactly the same.
For a begginers, Android is the same that Linux, but it's not true. The kernel, bash, services, drivers, modules, components... hardware.... all is different except 50%of the Kernel.
I think it's not a good comparative to add Android here.

* Instalation, off course it's not the same to install a 200 mb iso and compared to a 1.2 gb (Xubuntu), the timing to install them is different, the process too, and at the end you will have a completely different O.S.
If you want to compare install time, try to install OBSD, try to install XFCE, the graph tools, an LibreOffice package, other componentes and THEN... compare it to Xubuntu (as an example).
I promise I spend more time to install OBSD with them that Xubuntu (I install both every month for other reasons).

* About Rock-Solid... again.... 50%.
If you compare standard OBSD installed with a Gentoo simple install. you will have +/- the same. last versions, 80 mb used in the first startup, 2% CPU usage, no service running, no GUI, no other Services, no daemons, no running process interacting with your hardware (for example WIFI CARD, SD Reader, HDMI driver).
Yes, OSB (and the same with Kernel Linux) will use only some megas, very low CPU, and only a small number of components running.
You mention "less is more" (the samne that the less tool , instead of the more tool.... je je)
less program running, less issues, less cpu overhead, less interruptions, less services.... and the end. less troubles.
But again, this is an hypothetical situation and your O.S: will not do anything else apart from Ping/reply, ssh.

* Ports, something similar to (apt packages), but in my experience a bit frustrate because some daily tools needed are not in the Port folder, and I have to download tgz and compile it. Yes, this "rocks" but not for a daily usage and not upgradeable easily.

* Some questions I have are, how did you install OBSD in a Notebook like mine (Asus tp300), touchpad, Wifi, sd, external USB+HDMI, external USB+Ethernet card, 12 gb ram, 4 cpu, touch display, hibernate technology, Display drivers by Intel, attach windows disk with NTFS, and OSX Disk too. Interact with other servers in a network, access remote servers (gui or text), update your O.S. without producing errors between versions of components (in GUI and GUI tools), how many days did you wait until a patch is available to upgrade your PC ?
and if it's a Kernel patch ? and if it's in Firefox (as an example again), or Filezilla ?
How did you install other componentes if they are not in the ports ?
did you have to install the gcc, make and other dev tools to compile applications ?

* if you will need a SSHD server and only this, isolated, without other service running, use a very few resources.... and a very specific configuration.... may be OBSD it's the best option.
If you want to run a HTTP server, and only this... may be.
But today the "service" that we have to offer is presented by some apps running togheter in the same server or in pair servers (app+db), or clusters.
And I imagine a FBSD or OBSD server running one of these componentes. (maybe a firewall or balancer).
And in this specific activity, web srv (without GUI, remote tools, without other services, with only a few megas and 2 vcpu) I will suggest to use OBSD. But only in this specific case.

I use Linux, Windows, OSX, FBSD daily. I'm DBA+Linux Sr. and have to use different engines (Oracle, Informix, MySQL, SQL Server, Postgresql.... and SQLITE too) and I like to be updated about the O.S. and RDBMS.

Again, I like to read different waves to know other ideas but I think you have to suggest the OBSD Usage with not valuated reasons.

I don't want to write this as a complain... sorry about it. If it's what you understand reading my post.

I want to understand your opinion about your daily work, daily activities, kind of tasks you make with your O.S. because without the other tools... it's not really nice to use it.


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