lunes, 3 de agosto de 2015

Python O.S.

Funciones de Python para Accesos al Sistema Operativo.

Sitio con info de los módulos/bibliotecas.

OS Functions explained

os.system() # Executing a shell command

os.stat() # Get the status of a file

os.environ() # Get the users environment

os.chdir() # Move focus to a different directory

os.getcwd() # Returns the current working directory

os.getgid() # Return the real group id of the current process

os.getuid() # Return the current process’s user id

os.getpid() # Returns the real process ID of the current process

os.getlogin() # Return the name of the user logged

os.access() # Check read permissions

os.chmod() # Change the mode of path to the numeric mode

os.chown() # Change the owner and group id

os.umask(mask) # Set the current numeric umask

os.getsize() # Get the size of a file

os.environ() # Get the users environment

os.uname() # Return information about the current operating system

os.chroot(path) # Change the root directory of the current process to path

os.listdir(path)# List of the entries in the directory given by path

os.getloadavg() # Show queue averaged over the last 1, 5, and 15 minutes

os.path.exists()# Check if a path exists

os.walk() # Print out all directories, sub-directories and files

os.mkdir(path) # Create a directory named path with numeric mode mode

os.remove(path) # Remove (delete) the file path

os.rmdir(path) # Remove (delete) the directory path

os.makedirs(path)# Recursive directory creation function

os.removedirs(path) # Remove directories recursively

os.rename(src, dst) # Rename the file or directory src to dst

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